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Using the Visitor pattern in C++17

· 4 min read
Richard Haar

In C++17, the std::variant was introduced alongside the std::visit function which allows you to implement the Visitor pattern rather easily. To begin with I'll explain how to use the std::variant and how it fit's into the Visitor pattern.

Basic Usage#

A std::variant is templated across multiple types, so that your variant can hold any one of those types. Have a look at the example below where the variant can hold either a std::string or an int.

std::variant example usage
#include <variant>#include <iostream>
int main(){    std::variant<int, std::string> myvariant = 0;
    int const num = std::get<int>(myvariant);    std::cout << "My int is " << num << std::endl;
    myvariant = "zero";
    std::string const str = std::get<std::string>(myvariant);    std::cout << "My string is " << str << std::endl;
    return 0;}
My int is 0My string is zero

Calling std::get with the wrong type will throw an error.


Similar to how TypeScript defines the types allowed for a given variable, a std::variant allows the usage of multiple types.

A Shapes Example#

Here is a slightly more involved example, where three shapes are defined, with no common base class. And a vector is defined holding any of the three shapes.

A vector of variants
#include <variant>#include <iostream>#include <vector>
class Circle{    double r_;    public:    Circle(int r) : r_(r) {};    double getRadius() const { return r_; }};
class Triangle{    double l_;    public:    Triangle(int l) : l_(l) {};    double getLength() const { return l_; }};
class Square{    double l_;    public:    Square(int l) : l_(l) {};    double getLength() const { return l_; }};
using Shape = std::variant<Circle, Triangle, Square>;
int main(){    std::vector<Shape> shapes {        Triangle(3.0),        Square(4.0),        Circle(10.0)    };
    return 0;}

Now the visitor pattern is setup so that to quote wikipedia:

It should be possible to define a new operation for (some) classes of an object structure without changing the classes.

So here is where std::visit comes into play, where an overloaded function can be applied to a std::variant. So for example we could use a lambda or define a struct that has an operator() defined for each type we need. For example:

Defining the function to apply to the variant
#include <cmath>// ...// Previous shape code ommited// ...struct CalculateArea{    double operator()(Square const& sq)    {        return std::pow(sq.getLength(), 2.0);    }
    double operator()(Circle const& c)    {        return 3.14159265359 * std::pow(c.getRadius(), 2.0);    }
    double operator()(Triangle const& t)    {        return (std::sqrt(3.0) / 4.0) * std::pow(t.getLength(), 2);    }};

Triangle area is calculated based on an equilateral triangle

And we can apply the function by using std::visit as follows:

    for(auto& shape : shapes)    {       std::cout << "Area: " << std::visit(CalculateArea(), shape) << std::endl;    }    

Giving us our result:

Area: 3.89711Area: 16Area: 314.159

When to use the Visitor pattern?#

The Visitor pattern can be useful when you need to constantly add new operations to your set of types. For example, now it would be possible to add another function making use of the shape's size without affecting the previous code (e.g. a function ValidShape checking if the shape has a length or radius greater than zero). However adding new types may mean you have to revisit all your previous functions you have defined.

Comparison to polymorphism#

The typical Shape example consists of having a base class Shape which then has virtual functions such as CalculateArea. Then each class would have to implement the virtual function if it was pure virtual. Whereas with the Visitor pattern you can add functions to given classes as needed.

For more examples see cppreference: